Mrs Nnenna Akajemeli, National Coordinator of SERVICOM
Stakeholders in both public and private sectors have lauded  SERVICOM’s commitment to ensuring quality service delivery among Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs).
They gave the commendation at the workshop on Open Government Partnership (OGP) on Performance, Monitoring and Reporting for 17 pilot MDAs in Abuja.
OGP was formed in 2011 by governments and civil society organizations seeking new ways of working together to make societies more transparent, accountable, inclusive, and participatory.
Nigeria joined the initiative in 2016 and has been working to implement reform commitments in relevant thematic areas.
Each member country co-creates (equal partnership between government and civil society organizations) its National Action Plan (NAP) with ambitious reform commitments.
In her remarks at the workshop, the National Coordinator of the Agency  Mrs Nnenna Akajemeli, expressed delight on the progress OGP had achieved in Nigeria since its introduction.
Akajemeli added that the objective of the workshop was to review progress made by the 17 selected pilot MDAs, their challenges faced in implementing the charter performance and monitoring framework.
According to her, the forum will also enable the agency to develop strategies for strengthening MDAs’ capacities to better establish service charter performance as well as achieving alignment with the organisation’s Performance Management System (PMS).
“This workshop is the continuation of what we started a year and a half ago, committing to National Action Plan III (NAPIII) of commitment 11 and 13 of the OGP  under Thematic Area 7 which focuses on ‘Improved Service Delivery’.
“This is to ensure that service charters are produced, service standards are clearly stated out for.
“And key services in all the pilot MDAs to showcase that indeed, when standards are properly written, when they are implemented, lives of Nigerians can be touched and service improvement can happen.
“By doing so, people would be better satisfied when they are being served by the government. ”
Also, Dr Gloria Ahmed, National Coordinator OGP, represented by Hajia Rakata Grama, said Nigeria joined OGP in 2016 during former President Muhammadu Buhari’s led- administration.
She noted that the initiative had done marvelously well in terms of advancing the process of governance in Nigeria, compared to other parts of the world.
To ascertain the level of development in the country, Grama explained that Nigeria had developed three NAP, executed the first and the second while currents working on the third NAP which is expected to elapse on January 31st, 2025.
“OGP generally speaking is doing well in Nigeria compared to other parts of the world.
“And SERVICOM is the led-MDA on improved service delivery thematic working areas and OGP is a co-creation, so on the government’s side, SERVICOM is leading on the improved Serv delivery.
“SERVICOM has done a lot of good work in relation to OGP based on transparency and accountability and one of the good examples is today’s meeting attracting 17 pilot MDAs gathering here with the help of SERVICOM initiative. “
Contributing also, Mr Hamzat Lawal, Executive Director Connected Development, an NGO, said he was exited at SERVICOM’s efforts in organising MDAs to foster service delivery across Nigeria.
“I am really excited about what SERVICOM has done and I think this calls for commendation.
“I think when Nigerians feel this impact, it will help to rebuild back the trust and Nigerians will say yes, we are enjoying the dividends of democracy. “
Lawal also used the occasion to call on  the government to strengthen the policy and regulatory framework of SERVICOM by ensuring the signing of its bill.
“We have a bill at the National Assembly, there’s no reason why we should not sign it.
“I think what we need is to support them so that they get all the budget provision for the legal and regulatory framework, Nigerian would become proud and other countries would come and learn from what Nigeria is achieving around OGP in terms of service delivery.

By Editor

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