The Nigerian Women for Agricultural Progressive and Development Initiative (NWAPDI) has urged youths to reduce the drudgery of agriculture through intensive mechanisation, adoption of ICT and climate-smart agricultural practices.
Mrs  Omolara Svensson, National Coordinator, NWAPDI, made the call at the National Youth Convention organised by the organisation on Thursday in Abuja.
The theme of the convention is “Sowing the Seeds of Sustainability: Nigerian Youth Transforming Agriculture for a Greener Future.”
Svensson quoted Maria Semedo, Deputy Director-General, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), as saying that agriculture needed young people’s energy, creativity and innovation to address the challenges of sustainable food production.
According to her, it is a collective responsibility to empower the young generation with the knowledge, skills and expertise necessary to drive sustainable agricultural practices.
The coordinator, who identified the youths as the backbone of agricultural development, emphasised that they had crucial role to play in the future of the nation.
“Food security, accessibility, climate change, farm technology, risk management and financial empowerment are critical issues that we must address to ensure a bright future for our agriculture.
“By supporting and advocating for women’s empowerment in agriculture, we have unlocked some potentials of our agricultural sector; but we need to fire on all cylinders to ensure that everyone has access to nutritious and affordable food.
“We realise the need to carry the youthful population along, regardless of their gender because agriculture is our collective wealth,” she said.
On her part, Miss Mariam Suleiman, member, Planning Committee NWAPDI Youth Wing,  said youths were confronted with challenges such as unemployment, economic instability and the urgent need for sustainable livelihoods.
Suleiman said within the challenges were vast opportunities particularly in the agricultural sector which potential was not just immense but also untapped.
She decried that in recent years, the populace had felt the weight of rising inflation; daily lives had been impacted and the cost of living had become increasingly burdensome.
Suleiman, however, said that within those challenges was an opportunity to strengthen the nation’s economy through agriculture.
“The fundamental truth is that the survival of the human race is deeply rooted in agriculture; it is the lifeblood that nourishes our bodies, prevents malnutrition, and sustains our health.
“By choosing to be part of the agricultural sector, we are not merely planting seeds in the soil; we are planting the seeds of sustainability, health and economic development for our nation.
“Nigeria’s path to self-sufficiency in food production requires the energy, creativity and intelligence of young like ours,” she said.
She identified agriculture as the pillar of the economy which drove nation’s growth and provided jobs and livelihoods for millions of people.

By Editor

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