Paul Biya, the 91-year-old President of Cameroon, is indeed set to contest the country’s next presidentia election, which has been postponed to 2026.
If successful, this Would mark his eighth term in office, potentially extending his presidency to 2032, when he would be 100 years old.
Biya has been in power since 1982, making him Africa’s longest-serving president.
This decision to delay the election and allow him to run again has sparked significant controversy, particularly among the opposition.
Concerns have been raised about the fairness of the upcoming election, with fears that opposition politicians may not be permitted to contest, thereby increasing the likelihood of Biya winning yet again.
Additionally, Biya’s postponement of both the Parliamentary and Municipal elections until 2026 has only fueled further dissatisfaction within the country.
“Cameroon’s parliament last month approved Biya’s request to postpone parliamentary and Municipal elections until 2026 to allow some breathing space, claiming that the political calendar is crowded,” the report said.

By Editor

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