The Director-General of Voice of Nigeria (VON), Malam Jibrin Baba Ndace, is seeking collaboration with Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM) to engage Nigerians abroad to project the positive narrative about the country.

Ndace made the call when he and his management team paid a courtesy visit to the Chairman/Chief Executive Officer of NIDCOM, Mrs Abiki Dabiri-Erewa, on Thursday in Abuja.

The VON boss explained that the organisation has been focusing on telling the Nigerian story to the world.

He expressed his determination to build on the legacy of the founding fathers and all those that had managed the organisation.

Ndace further explained that he has also focused on building linkages and reaching to stakeholders like NIDCOM so that they could forcefully, deliberately, truthfully and in a consistent manner, tell the Nigeria and African stories.

“Some of the things you have been doing is in line with the mission and vision of VON, which is to bring out Nigerians wherever they are, whether footballers, entertainers or scientists.

“Nigerians are all over the world giving their best to the world, that is the story you have been bringing out; and that is what we are determined to partner with you to help tell it.

“As D-G, working with my team, I am determined, especially with the efforts of President Bola Tinubu on his Renewed Hope Agenda, to give Nigerians the leverage to tell our positive stories.

“So, we will work with you in fighting fake news and other negative tendencies, misinformation and disinformation about Nigeria and Nigerians.

“So, wherever you find a Nigerian that is doing well, that Nigerian has the VON platform to help tell his or her story; and I think, that is what we should do consistently going forward,” Ndace stressed.

He further explained that VON is planning to open collaborations with Indonesia and other Asian countries to expand its language broadcast.

Ndace promised to strengthen the relationship with NIDCOM by adding another reporter to cover the commission, adding that it will also deploy its platform to the commission and its programmes.

“Our partnership with you will never be based on Naira and Kobo, but what will benefit, promote and project the positive narrative and the Nigerian stories to the world”.

Responding, Dabiri-Erewa appreciated Ndace for the visit, adding that VON is the link between Nigeria and other parts of the world.

“We look forward for a stronger partnership. I can mention about 6,000 Nigerians that are doing so well abroad. Just yesterday, we celebrated the richest immigrant in the world who happens to be a Nigerian.

“There are many Nigerians in other countries that are doing well, but not being talked about. We are coming out with programmes that are strictly for those in Diaspora that are doing well.

” Meanwhile, the plan by VON to add Chinese and other languages in Asia to the language of broadcast of VON is remarkable. I wish you the very best.

“A lot of Nigerians in diaspora have keyed into the Renewed Hope Agenda of President Bola Tinubu,’’ Dabiri-Erewa said.

According to her, the challenge the commission is that of data, adding that, but now the commission has a portal and a large number of Nigerians are keying into it.

The NIDCOM boss further explained that there are no fewer than 36 Diaspora Focal Persons in the country, urging VON to also engage them.

She said that NIDCOM has a quarterly Diaspora Talk Programme, adding that International Diaspora Day is annually celebrated on July 25, and that it will be elaborately celebrated in 2024.

“We just introduced the Diaspora Merit Award to reward them. However, we look forward to working with you to talk about the ingenuity of Nigerians in the diaspora,” she said.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that high point of the event was the given of souvenir by Dabiri-Erewa to Ndace. (NAN)

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