The Nigeria Medical Association, Federal Capital Territory (NMA-FCT) has called on the Federal Government to appropriate the health sector financing and increase the the annual budget for the development of the sector.

Dr Ishola Ibrahim, member of the association, made the appeal while speaking with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) shortly after the 2023 Physician Week, celebrated annually in October, with the Theme titled “This is Our Chance: To get it Right in the Health Sector.”

Dr Ibrahim told NAN that the physician week is an event to introspect and reflect on the essence of being a physician and the ethical implications of organ donation, which he described to have historic antecedents in the sector.

According to him, the period was also a time for the association to look out for each other and a time to render selfless service to the less privileged, and a period to look at contemporary issues affecting the smooth practice of medicine in Nigeria.

“Government should try as much as possible to improve the health sector and the World Health Organization (WHO) had said that the annual budget for health should be 15 per cent, but we have never had up to 6 per cent.

“We are calling on the Government to try as much as possible to increase the funding in the health sector in order to reduce this brain drain as Doctors are been over stretched and are leaving because of the poor health facilities.

“If Government can put all hands on deck and ensure that all the necessary things are put in place appropriately, we believe that things will improve in the health sector.

However, he revealed that the 2023 Physician Week kicked-off on Sunday with the Christian members having a thanksgiving service while on Tuesday the association had the formal opening and scientific conference.

He said on Wednesday the association gave back to the society through blood donation drive and on Thursday they held a medical outreach at Karamajiji Community in FCT, while on Friday a Jumat Prayer for Muslims to thank God for his protection in the last one year and on Saturday they held Young Doctors Forum on Blood Drive. (NAN)

By Editor

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