By Gami Tadanyigbe

Prof. Rhoda Mundi, a professor of Geography with specialisation in population and development, has called on the Federal Government to adequately fund the conduct of national population and housing census to ensure good governance.

Mundi, who made the call during the 41st Inaugural Lecture at the University of Abuja, said there was need for all stakeholders to be involved in the implementation of Nigeria’s National Policy on Population for Sustainable Development.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the theme of the Inaugural Lecture is titled “The Paradox of Population Growth in National Development.”

She said a successful implementation of the policy will ensure the production of a healthy and quality population that is needed as catalyst for national development.

According to her, there was need for Government to provide the necessary funds and seek for assistance from relevant development partners for the conduct of a national population and housing census and strengthen other sources.

“Government at all levels needs to make concerted efforts to invest in the population through provision of education, health, and other infra- stractures.

“With sound investment in the population, the country stands to benefit from the demographic dividend and government at all levels to make concerted effort to reduce political influence on matters of bureaucracy.

“Investing in education will enhance the knowledge and skills of the population for better performance and productivity.

“Government to Strengthen policies that will discourage brain drain and encourage brain gain so that the country can benefit from her vast human resources.

“Investing in health wil translate to investing in the quality of population for a healthier and more focused workforce with lower morbidity and mortality.

“Government at all levels to be more proactive and increase efforts at Provision of security in the country, while communities and individuals follow the basic rules of self-protection,” she said.

The professor said Nigeria’s population has been growing at an alarming rate as a result of several reasons including carly age at marriage, low use of contraception.

However, she maintained that population and housing censuses are the primary sources of the basic population and housing data required for planning of many public policies and programmes.

Besides, the professor added that without adequate and reliable data to guide decision making, it is difficult to achieve development in any nation.

“World population has been growing fast but unevenly, with Asia and Africa contributing the largest populations.

“It is particularly unfortunate that other systems for registration of vital events and collection of vital statistics are weak in the country,” she said. (NAN)

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