A Federal High Court sitting in Abuja on Friday adjourned the case between Incorporated Trustees of Ilaje Global Think Thank Initiative and Mrs Stella Okotete ,Executive Director, Nigeria Export-Import Bank(NEXIM.)

The case which was between Incorporated Trustees of Ilaje Global Think Thank Initiative , the plaintiff and Mrs Stella Okotete ,Presidency and Attorney General of the Federation was up for mention before Justice Obiora Egwuatu .

The case sought to challenge the appointment of Okotete as the head of NEXIM Bank among others .

Mr Ayodele Ademiluyi, Esq represented Aare Hassan the plaintiff and Myson Nejo Esq represented Incorporated Trustees of Ilaje Global Think Thank.

However , there were no representation from the defendants.

The matter came up for mention and the court ordered that the proof of service be put in the court file at the next adjournment date which was march, 16.

According to Mr Aare Hassan, the plaintiff, he filed for joinder in an existing matter before the Federal High court.

“Our Joinder is predicated on being necessary party that our position is clear that Stella Okotete’s appointment by President Mohammedu Buhari falls short of the law and is in gross violation of the Central Bank’s Act as statutory provisions .

“That is what we are joining the court today and application is presently before the court though it has adjourned till March 16th for continuations and hearing to be served for record of service to be properly brought before the court .

” We still believe that the courts still remain the last hope of the common man and believe justice will be surely served .

” We hope that this matter before the court will give balancing and fair hearing to all parties concerned, including Stella Okotete the Executive Director of NEXIM Bank whom we are challenging .”

Hassan expressed hope that at the end of the whole process , the court would reach a final conclusion on interpreting the resolution of the National Assembly that gave a statutory order that Stella Okotete be immediately removed and relieved of her position.

He said that other key investigations on NEXIM bank were ongoing before the Inspector General of Police (IGP) to unravel some irregularities .

Mr Ayodele Ademiluyi, Counsel to Aare ,said the court matter came up for mention and the court ordered that proof of service be put in the court file at the next adjournment date.

“It is clear that impunity cannot continue to reign in our land ; there were a lot of appointments made under this regime without cognisance alignment with the enabling Act.

“A case in point is this appointment of Okotete of NEXIM Bank ,the bank is a key financial institution in the eco system of our economy and should not be placed in the hands of incompetent persons ,”he said

By Editor

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