National Senior Citizens Centre (NSCC) has trained no fewer than 60 persons from 32 ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) on mainstream aging policy, planning and implementation to enhance the livelihood of older persons.

Speaking at the occasion on Friday in Abuja, Director-General of NSCC, Dr Emem Omokaro, said that the training was aimed at establishing ageing desks with focal officers in relevant MDAs.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the training was organised by NSCC, with support from UNFPA.

According to Omokaro, the accelerated increase in proportion and absolute number of older persons has compelled the increasing need for multi-sectoral programmes and services to meet their varied needs and challenges.

She further explained that health and wellbeing, income security, continuing engagement of the capacities of older persons and age-friendly services, including transportation, housing, sports and recreation as well as social programmes for the vulnerable, were the major domains.

“These constitute NSCC’s policy and programme interventions to address the intersecting challenges of older persons.

“They also fall within the statutory mandates of different MDAs.

“Though uncoordinated, some progress has been recorded by a few MDAs in their policy reviews, revisions and programmes. However, there are still some yawning gaps in older persons’ inclusion.

“The training is expected to increase the understanding of ageing and older persons’ aspects in MDAs’ substantive mandates and where the issues intersect with NSCC’s mandate,” she said.

According to Omokaro, 32 MDAs and 60 desk officers will benefit from the training.

“I wish to sincerely thank you for this opportunity for partnership, as we look forward to an inclusive Nigeria, where senior citizens can live dignified, healthy, happy and secured lives to the fullest,” she said.

Speaking at the occasion, the UNFPA’s Country Representative, Ms Ulla Mueller, represented by Mr Telson Ojoguu, said that the training was a milestone achievement that would leave lasting benefits.

According to her, ageing in the 21st century is both joyful and challenging, adding that the aging population can no longer be ignored.

“I want to thank the government of Nigeria for its commitment to addressing the issues of older persons in the country.

“Partnerships are of course the best method of achieving unity in diversity, as they provide the platform for cross sectoral initiatives to solve genuine and pressing concerns, such as those related to ageing.

“I want to emphasise UNFPA’s commitment and participation in ensuring old people’s continued inclusion in the society and in the development and implementation of policies that would directly influence their wellbeing and integration into the society,” she said. (NAN) 

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