Director-General, Voice of Nigeria (VON), Jibrin Ndace and his Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) counterpart, Salihu Dembos, have pledged to deepen collaboration between the two agencies to positively project the country’s story abroad.

Ndace and Dembos made the pledge, when VON’s management team paid a courtesy visit to the Director-General of NTA, in Abuja.

“I am determined to work with you to tell the Nigerian story. The innovation and approach on how you tell your stories are in line with global best practices.

“Now, reporters are up and doing and bringing in diversity. I like to commend you on the new innovations in NTA.

“VON as the global mouth piece, we want to propagate the steady reforms going on in Nigeria since the inauguration of President Bola Tinubu,” Ndace said.

Ndace said that the collaboration would enable the two media organizations tell the world the truth about Nigeria in a positive way.

“We will continue to say it as it is. As VON, we are not going to lie about Nigeria, but we are going to emphasis and amplify positive stories about Nigeria and Africa.

“ The Renew Hope Agenda of Mr President is beginning to address the economic and security challenges affecting Nigeria. We want to collaborate with you to talk about it,’’ Ndace said.

Ndace further explained that VON would use its digital platform to continue to talk to Nigerians, including those in the diaspora.

He added that some of the negative stories or narratives on the social media were due to lack of understanding by those behind it.

“ NTA has made its marks; people that have their private television stations today were from NTA. Nigerians normally stay awake to watch NTA Network News and other programmes.

“Also, Nollywood was a product of NTA. Some people were part of programme in NTA, but later left.

“We want to work with you, because, we are in the age of noise and if you can’t tell your own story, nobody will tell it for you,” the VON boss explained.

Ndace disclosed that the management of VON under him was determined to have a VON that was truly be the voice of Nigeria that would be respected.

“I am determined to create a liveable, positive and consistent narrative of Nigeria. So, we intend to partner with you on how we can generate content and materials available,’’ Ndace added.

In his response, Dembos appreciated Ndace for his kind words, adding that VON and NTA were working for the same government with same purpose.

He said that the contemporary successes recorded in NTA was as a result of understanding and sincerity of purpose from management and staff of the organisation.

The NTA boss affirmed that the organisation would stop at nothing to give Nigerians the best that they deserved.

“We try to extend our services to also put a check on some of these ugly trends going up and down about Nigeria and Nigerians.

“We in the public broadcasting will not remain indifferent, because, if we do, that means we are failing in our mandates. Ours is to project Nigeria in good light.

“The dangers about allowing negative narrative is that, over time, it will become our history, because, all these things will be written down and all those coming behind us will believe it,” Dembos said.

The NTA boss said that Nigeria was doing much better than the so-called developed countries but Nigerians must learn to always do what is right.

“We must tell the whole world what Nigeria is and what Nigerians are. Challenges are universal.

“Nigeria first before anything. We will be drumming this to the ears of all Nigerians and foreigners alike and there are so many opportunities that abound in this country.

“All these security issues, I believe when there is a sense of purpose and understanding, all these shenanigans will be history,’’ Dembos stressed.

He explained that it was unpatriotic to join the band wagon of those who are complaining and lamenting about problems, adding that it was better to see how we can change the narrative.

He lauded Ndace for looking at the issue of welfare for staff, stressing that members of staff were not machines but humans with feelings.

“ There is need to appreciate the staff for them to add value to what they are doing,’’ Dembos added. (NAN)

By Editor

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