Some faithful at the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), on Sunday, described the late Prophet Temitope Balogun-Joshua, Founder of SCOAN, known as TB Joshua, as love personified, two years after his demise.

The faithful, spoke against the backdrop of two-year anniversary of the death of TB Joshua, said that the late SCOAN founder, exhibited love of the early apostles while in the common room as recorded in the scriptures.

It was a kind of love, where communal living and care for one another was promoted to make the society peaceful.

The Prophet died on June 5, few days before his 60th birthday, after prophesying his eminent death days before.

The Spokesman of SCOAN, Pastor Dare Adejumo, described the late Prophet as the humbliest human being I have ever come across.

According to him TB Joshua was firm and stern, in ensuring that things are done right.

“Even in his moment of severity, you will still find love encapsulated. You cannot offend him.

“He is extra sensitive with propulsively radiating wisdom, unfathomable knowledge of life, charming and a paragon of magnetically illuminating character.

“He was completely acidic to vanity, envy, jealousy, human comparison, imitation, vulgarity and wonton desires.

“He described them as one of those ‘foolish things’ not to be entertained for a moment in one’s life.

“TB Joshua was a divinely self-made man. Here was a man with little elementary education. Yet with your degrees, prodigy of erudition and western exposures, you will be humbled by the self discovery of your personal hollowness or quasi emptiness when you sit to discuss or share a view with him,” he said.

He said that Joshua was a shying rustic village man but an attestation of God’s Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent and greatness that lies in simplicity.

Mr Obinna Amaefula said that the late Prophet left a legacy of love sustainability as his followers have keyed into his objective to offer help and render voluntary services to people.

“I have been a member of the church for nine years, my association with the church has rekindled in me the spirit to give and care for others in order to receive more from God.

Also speaking on the anniversary, Mrs Abosade Lawal said that the love as epitomised by the late preacher would for years to come pave ways for the body and individual faithful.

Lawal urged other people, especially men of God, to emulate the posture of the late preacher to win souls for God.

Joshua’s earthly ministry was characterised with giving to the needy, healing the sick and raising people.

By Editor

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